
The Effect of Reaching and Hand Function Based on Individual Problem-Solving Approach in Hemiplegic Patients after Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Study


Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of upper limb function based on individual problemsolving approach in hemiplegic patients after stroke in terms of reaching speed and upper limb function of affected side as compared with conservative occupational therapy. Methods 25 stroke patients who were hospitalized at rehabilitation center in Gyeonggido. And they were divided into an individual problemsolving approach group and a conservative approach group. The average speed of reaching motion and upper limb function before and after the intervention were evaluated. Results The average reaching speed before and after the intervention was statistically significant in experimental group (p<.05), but not statistically significant in the control group (p>.05). Upper limb function before and after the intervention was in significant difference statistically (p<.05) in experimental group, but not statistically significant in control group (p>.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the average reaching speed and UL function between the two groups (p>.05). Conclusion This study demonstrated that the UL function based on IPSA improves more than a conservative occupational therapy.


Stroke Individual problemsolving approach Upper limb function Reaching speed Hand function

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  • kbobath
  • 한국연구재단
  • 국회도서관
  • KCI 문헌 유사도 검사 서비스