pISSN : 3058-6941 eISSN: 3058-695X
Open Access, Peer-reviewed
Jung-Woo Jeong,So-Young Han,Bo-Kyoung Song
https://dx.doi.org/10.17817/2019.10.07.111460 Epub 7th November, 2019
Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of somatosensory training combined with action observation on the muscle activity of upper extremity and hand function in patients with stroke. Methods Twentytwo stroke patients who were hospitalized at B hospital in Gyeonggi do during the period from September 2018 to March 2019 were enrolled in this study. The subjects were divided into 11 sensory training groups that intercepted action observation and intervention. The upper limb of muscle activity and hand function were evaluated before intervention, and intervention was performed 3 times a week, 40 minutes, 4 weeks, and the same evaluation was performed after intervention. Results As shown by the result of the muscle activity there was a statistically significant difference in anterior deltoid, triceps, and wrist extensor longus in the sensory training group with action observation, but there was no statistically significant difference in the somatosensory training group without action observation. As shown by the result of the hand function there was a statistically significant difference in somatosensory training with action observation which was performed the hand function before and after the intervention. There was no statistically significant difference somatosensory training without action observation. Conclusion This study demonstrated that somatosensory training combined with action observation significantly improves the function of patients with stroke.
Stroke Somatosensory Training Action Observation Muscle Actvitiy Hand Function